Personal | Announcing Baby Theriault

JP and I are so excited to finally share our news with you! We have been letting it sink in since September and we are so ready to shout it from the roof tops! (Yodel-baaaby-whoooo!)

Announcing Baby Theriault – Due May 2016


Since seeing THE double pink lines, life has been so full, in all of the best ways. We immediately began planning an announcement for each of our families, which were so fun! Shortly after I was hit with Mother Nature’s pregnancy side kick: nausea. It was/is awful and wonderful at the same time. As many newly expectant mothers can attest, the nausea is sometimes the only constant thing that confirms that somethings-a-brewin’. Then there was the tiredness which, again, has been a blessing in disguise. It makes work challenging, but it sure get’s me to bed at a decent hour! (Which is new).

We were thrilled to hear Baby’s heartbeat at 10 weeks, and we received our first glimpse into the womb at 12 weeks (just one baby in there!). As of now we don’t want to know the baby’s gender until birth, but I can feel the excitement and anticipation building! I’m sure at the appointment where they ask me if I want to know, I’ll have to bite down on something to keep from saying yes!!

I hope you will indulge me as I share more baby updates and baby related posts here on the blog over the next 6 months – and beyond! There is so much I would like to remember, and treasure for years to come. Thank you for sharing this journey with us! (Insert: We’re going to be parents!?!?!? celebratory, freak out dance).

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